
Welcome to my ED 3410 Blog

Field Observation II Access To Technology

Every student has a personal Macbook computer provided by the school. The students carry their Macbooks around and take them home with them. There is also a makerspace that includes 3D printers, laser cutters, Cricut, LittleBits, and Dash robots. Additionally, there are sets of HoloLens which are mixed-reality headsets. The students all have a personal Macbook…

Digital Story

Digital Story: Digital Story Assessment: Script/ Storyline Point of View Media Application Creativity 3.1- 4.0 The digital story has a cohesive script and storyline that details learning with technology Provides a unique and personal perspective on the topic relating to the use of technology Applied a wide range of techniques in engaging ways with the…

Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum

This is Michael and my comic strip detailing a journey of our conversation about why digital storytelling is useful! We used the articles “A Literacy Pedagogy For Multimodal Composing” by Miller, Thompson, Lauricella, Boyd, and McVee, and the article “Designing Learning For Multimodal Literacy” by Lim and Tan-Chia. Our big takeaways from both of our…

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